Chicago Days Is Calling Me

    I published my novel, Tripio, on Amazon on April 11th. Exactly how did this happen??

    If you found this blog hoping to find help with writing your own novel, you have come to the right place. If you are hoping for some quick and easy bullets points to help you slap out a book in a couple months, then perhaps, you have not. Not that I know anything for certain. I only know what worked for me. So, for those who are willing to stick around, I believe the origin story of Tripio, will inspire and fortify you along your own, unique path to writing your book. Ready? Then, let us begin around 28 years ago….

   I had been trying to write a series of short stories based on images from the front of old postcards I had received over the years. I had a shoe box full of them and the stories would be called –wait for it– Postcards. It wasn’t working.

   Before I go any farther, I have to point out that I had been meditating 3 or 4 times a week during these days of early spring. I had also established a “sacred space” in my garage, where I would retreat to do Yoga and Meditate. In addition, I had also become a practitioner of disciplining and utilizing the mind as taught by The School of Metaphysics. Find a school near you…


   I woke up at 4:52 a.m. on the morning I would start what would become, but was not yet, Tripio. It was a Tuesday morning in the spring on 2017. I noted in my current journal that “Chicago Days” is calling me. In the process of sorting through all the old postcards, I had also recovered dozens of pages of old type written notes and observations I had written while I was living in Chicago in the early 1990s. That morning, I headed to work as usual. I did not yet even consider that I had discovered the core notes for what would become Tripio. I did not yet realize that the mind I had been disciplining and cultivating, had other plans for me.

“May I help who’s next?”

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